supporting, enhancing, and transforming the pro bono efforts of major law firms, in-house corporate legal departments, and public interest organizations in the U.S. and around the world


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The PBI 2024 Report on the Law Firm Pro Bono Project® Staffing Survey offers insights into law firm staffing methods and the challenges and opportunities associated with various means of constructing and implementing a law firm pro bono program.

Among the Report’s findings, 92 percent of responding firms employ one or more pro bono professionals, with 62 percent of those professionals dedicating virtually all their time to pro bono program oversight and 30 percent splitting their time between oversight and substantive representation of pro bono clients.

CPBO recently made public its 2024 Benchmarking Report: An Overview of In-House Pro Bono, which summarizes the responses of 54 legal departments, providing unique insight into current trends among in-house pro bono.

Among key highlights from the report, in-house departments are increasingly hiring attorneys and staff to manage pro bono programs and 60 percent of responding departments are engaging in global pro bono, as of 2023.

You can find the reports here.

January 21, 2025


Pro Bono Happy Hour Podcast

Kramer Levin’s commitment to justice is powerfully exemplified in its pro bono work to overturn the wrongful conviction of Anthony Hall, who spent 26 years in prison for a crime he did not commit. Through relentless legal advocacy, strategic litigation, and an impactful partnership with Mid-Atlantic Innocence Project, the firm fought to expose critical flaws in the case – from unreliable eyewitness testimony to systemic issues within the criminal justice system. Their unwavering dedication not only helped secure Hall’s freedom but also underscored the transformative power of pro bono work in changing lives and addressing injustice.

Hear more about this inspiring work from David AlexanderLitigation Associate at Kramer Levin, in this Signatory Showcase episode of the Pro Bono Happy Hour podcast.

March 25, 2025


Examining the Use of AI to Enhance Pro Bono

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been championed for its potential to enhance pro bono legal services and help close the justice gap. In March, the Pro Bono Institute (PBI) hosted programming on AI + Pro Bono, bringing together pro bono leaders from law firms, in-house legal departments, and public interest organizations to explore the use of AI in legal practice and identify opportunities to enhance efficiencies for pro bono and access to justice. Learn more about this initiative and its impact.

May 14, 2024

Impacting Access to Justice

PBI is a catalyst, administering projects that support, guide, and inspire legal institutions to enhance access to justice. PBI selects and operates projects that, working in concert, promote synergies and inform and strengthen each other.


In Memoriam

James W. Jones IV

February 28, 1945 – December 11, 2024

Chair Emeritus, PBI Board of Directors

We are devastated by the unexpected passing of James (Jim) W. Jones IV on December 11. Jim was Chair of PBI’s Board of Directors for 27 years, from its inception in 1996 through December 2023. Jim was a dear friend and champion of PBI and its mission, providing wise, warm, and dependable counsel for decades, always with a twinkle in his eyes. Jim believed passionately that lawyers were obligated to help those less fortunate, and he embodied that credo in his personal and professional life. In February 2024, PBI presented Jim with its President’s Award to recognize Jim’s extraordinary contributions to PBI initiatives and unequaled thought and action leadership on pro bono in the legal community.

Jim will be missed far more than we can express, although his influence and impact on PBI and the entire legal and access to justice community will continue to be felt.

Learn more about Jim Jones:

President’s Awardee Profile

President’s Award tribute video
